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Get Creative & Stay Creative Ebook

Your ebook guide to building a creative habit and keeping it going, even when negative thoughts creep in.

Being creative isn’t as simple as picking up a pencil, paintbrush, glue stick or pair of knitting needles and just getting started. You need time, motivation, and some inspiration or ideas.

These things can sometimes be a little tricky to get a hold of, so when you do have them you want to be sure no negative thoughts get the chance to creep in.

You know the kind:

  • “Oh, that’s such a waste of paint!”
  • “Why do I never get any better?”
  • “I’ll never be as good as so-and-so.”

Negative thoughts can be really destructive and as limiting as not actually having the supplies you need to make a project.

It’s my intention that this ebook will help you get a handle on any negative thoughts you have while making sure you’re always inspired and ready to create when you get the time.

Get Creative & Stay Creative: Your ebook guide to building a creative habit and keeping it going, even when negative thoughts creep in.

We start off with some ways to look after your mind and body to help create the best chance of being creative.

Then we go on to look at ways of finding inspiration, something that I know is or has been a big struggle for all creatives at some point.

The second portion of the book looks at an issue that affects all creatives at some point: negative thinking.

Doubt, procrastination, comparison, creative block, and the inner critic are all considered in the “Creative Troubleshooting” section, along with ways to deal with them.

We also look at how to find time to be creative and how to learn from your mistakes.

When you’ve finished this ebook, you should be better equipped to deal with your creative issues and more able to find enjoyment, fulfilment and relaxation from your creative projects.

Get Creative & Stay Creative is available to buy through Gumroad.

About Stacey

Stacey headshot

I’m Stacey and I’m a blogger, abstract artist and freelance writer. My aim is to help busy people feel inspired and get more creative with tutorials, hints and tips.

I live in Cardiff with my partner and dog, and in my free time you’ll find me hiking, reading, painting or sampling a craft beer or two.

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