If you’re looking for a little inspiration for your creativity as the seasons change, I’ve got just the thing for you. Check out these 15 autumn art journal prompts and make the most of the darker evenings!
I don’t know about you but I love autumn. As the nights draw in, I find myself looking for my cosy clothes. And, to be honest, it’s not even that chilly here just yet. We’ve had some lovely sunny days, and the sun is still pretty warm. But I know autumn is well on the way.
So how best to make the most of the extra time spent indoors? Well, clearly by doing something creative, but it’s no surprise that I’d say that. (Oh and that’s if you’re not having a good clear out as I’ve been doing recently… my spring cleaning instinct has kicked in at the wrong time of year, apparently.)
If you feel that you’ve been lacking a bit of inspiration recently, take a look at this list of 15 autumn art journal prompts. They’ll help you embrace the season, even if you’re more of a summer sun worshipper, and find some things that you really love about autumn.
So let’s take a look at the prompts…
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15 autumn art journal prompts
Prompt one
Play around with an autumnal palette in your journal projects. Think of the colours of fallen leaves: golds, deep oranges, reds and shades of brown.
- Related: How To Paint An Autumn Leaf With Watercolours
- Related: How To Paint An Autumn Tree With Acrylics
Prompt two
Create something around a fallen leaf or two, or something else you’ve collected on an autumn walk.

Prompt three
List everything you love about autumn. If you’re not a fan of autumn, my challenge to you is to find something positive – even if it’s as simple as being able to eat more casseroles! (A personal favourite of mine…)
Prompt four
Make a collage that sums up autumn to you.
Prompt five
Create an abstract pumpkin from pieces of torn paper or daubs of paint.
Prompt six
Make a list of five things you want to do this autumn, and then dedicate pages in your art journal to those activities when you’ve done them.
Prompt seven
Incorporate words and phrases such as leaves, fall, gold, crisp, chill, cosy, pumpkin, spice, apple, caramel, etc.

Prompt eight
Create an entertainment page featuring books, films and/or tv series you want to dive into this autumn.
Prompt nine
Use torn paper to make a really simplified, abstract autumnal landscape. Incorporate a quote about autumn into it.
Prompt ten
Include part or all of a photo you’ve taken of something autumnal or something that happened during autumn.
Prompt eleven
Create an autumnal image made entirely of words and phrases that fit with the season.
Prompt twelve
Use coloured cellophane in oranges, reds and golds. The crunchy texture of cellophane is just like walking on dry leaves.

Prompt thirteen
Record some of your favourite autumn recipes in your journal and decorate each one with colour and doodles. Or even better, start a recipe journal.
Prompt fourteen
Carefully work with needle and thread to stitch paper leaf shapes to the page. Use your stitches to create the veins of the leaf.
Prompt fifteen
Make some firework art:
- Create a star burst shape with white glue and sprinkle salt over the top
- Leave it to dry, then tap away the excess salt
- Now it’s ready to colour with some watercolour paint or a little coloured ink
- Leave to dry once more and you have some simple fireworks!
I hope there’s one or two ideas you love in this list of autumn art journal prompts. Please let us know in the comments if you have any other ideas!
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About Stacey

I’m Stacey and I’m a blogger, abstract artist and freelance writer. My aim is to help busy people feel inspired and get more creative with tutorials, hints and tips.
I live in Cardiff with my partner and dog, and in my free time you’ll find me hiking, reading, painting or sampling a craft beer or two.