Instead of feeling sad that winter is still dragging on now Christmas has passed, let’s celebrate winter with these 15 winter art journal prompts.
Create art journal spreads and other mixed media and collage work with some of the inspiration in this blog post!
Winter is one of those seasons that can seem to drag on and on. There are the seemingly endless dark nights and dark mornings, for starters.
Add that to the cold temperatures that bring icy roads and frozen car windscreens and winter is not much fun.
When the festivities and lights of Christmas and New Year have passed, it can feel like we’re waiting for the nights to draw back out and the weather to warm up again.
Okay, so this wasn’t meant to be a summary of all the bad points of winter. There’s plenty of good stuff. Think warm socks, snuggling up with hot drinks and blankets, and evenings in with a good book…

And let’s not forget the beauty of a frosty day when you pretend to breathe out smoke like a fire-breathing dragon (or is that just me?).
I actually want to celebrate what remains of winter rather than wishing it away for warmer, brighter spring days.
If you want to join me in this, take a look at the prompts I’ve listed in this blog post and get to work creating something wintery and proud!
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15 winter art journal prompts
Prompt one
Use a wintery palette of colours like white, various shades of blue, and silver.
Prompt two
Add a “snowy” texture by using PVA glue mixed with white paint and sand or glitter.
Prompt three
Use PVA glue to stick thin fabric or netting to the page, allowing it to crinkle a little to add some lovely texture.
Prompt four
Add white snowflakes on a dark background – draw them by hand with a white gel pen…
Prompt five
…or create some splatter snow by loading up a paintbrush with slightly diluted white paint and flicking it at the page. (Make sure you cover your table first as the paint WILL go further than you expect!)
Prompt six
Incorporate some words or phrases like frost, ice, snowflake, and icicle.

Prompt seven
Create a robin shape from torn paper or daubs of paint.
Prompt eight
Tear strips of paper in different shades of green and stick them to the page to make a tree.
Prompt nine
Decorate the top of the page with hanging icicles.
Prompt ten
Include part or all of a photo of a wintery scene.
Prompt eleven
Work in mixed media. Combine paint, paper, pens, pencils, fabric, stickers and other embellishments.
Prompt twelve
Add some stars. They could be hand-drawn, a splodge of paint or some kind of embellishment that you stick on.

Prompt thirteen
Try using a needle and thread (carefully!) to add stitches to the page. You could do a border, the outline of a tree or other object, or some tiny details and embellishments.
Prompt fourteen
Use a sponge with some paint to create interest and texture in the background, and even to create the tops of trees.
Prompt fifteen
Cut a simple shape out of paper and lay it on the page where you would like it to remain blank.
Then paint over the shape (using different colours, or even splatter painting as above) before carefully peeling the shape off to reveal the blank paper underneath.
If you have any winter art journal prompts you want to add into the mix, leave a comment below!
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About Stacey

I’m Stacey and I’m a blogger, abstract artist and freelance writer. My aim is to help busy people feel inspired and get more creative with tutorials, hints and tips.
I live in Cardiff with my partner and dog, and in my free time you’ll find me hiking, reading, painting or sampling a craft beer or two.